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Implementing a workplace wellness program positively impacts both the company (and its bottom line) as well as the employees, showing employees they’re appreciated, respected, and that their health & wellbeing is valued.

Transform  Your Organization Through
The Individual's Wellbeing

There is no coincidence that you're here. Especially, if you're looking to boost productivity, work-life balance, creativity, focus, morale and teamwork.  Trust your intuition on this search for the perfect consultant & coach to help your team effectively navigate through STRESS and OVERCOME MENTAL CHALLENGES, because when the individuals are operating from the best state of mind, they're performing at their best with clarity and momentum that your team needs to accelerate.  It's a win win for both the organization and each team members when everyone is thriving on all levels.

I offer customized wellness programs for private group sessions that will nurture your spirit, gain work-life balance, come into full expression of performance, help your team accomplish your mission, and learn to maintain high vibes so everyone can keep thriving together as a group collective!

What else will you gain through wellness program with mindfulness and meditation?

Below are only the tips of an iceberg:


        Ppeace, presence, power, purpose

O - overcoming obstacles,  optimism

W - wholeness, wellbeing, willingness

 E - empowerment, energy, enjoyment

   R - relaxation, renew, rest, recover, reset


I cater to your preference in order to help you and your team unlock the full potential and expand the capacity of the organization.  If you preferred to sponsor your team members through "21Day Meditation Challenge" as a start of their health & wellbeing.  The program is available at the beginning of every quarter.  Contact me now to start your team's proactive journey right away!  All sessions are private and virtual via live Zoom.  


Virtual Meditation & Mindfulness 

Corporate Wellness Programs

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Rule Your Mind or It Will Rule You

About Me

A life long meditator.  Now a certified meditation, mindfulness teacher, a wellness/life coach, yoga teacher,  and an international best selling author in 2020.  My specialty is developing and guiding group and individual to effectively manage stress and anxiety with mindfulness and meditation so you can cultivate inner peace and joy easily which can improve personal health, wellbeing, performance at work. Many people have discovered or reconnected with their soul’s true potential and power through my deep facilitation process.  Born and raised in Thailand, I have been living in San Francisco bay area for two decades and call it home.  Having overcome adversity and trauma that held me back for half of my adult life, I have concentrated my training in holistic healing modalities. 

With deep appreciation for the progress my clients have made, I extend a heartfelt invitation to explore the potential for our collaboration to foster similar positive change in your life and other individuals on your team. 

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Meditation Group

"The purpose of meditation is personal transformation"

Henepola Gunaratana

Rave Reviews

When I met Fon, I was having blocks and resistance around moving forward and becoming more bold and visible in my business. I felt fear, hesitation. I was procrastinating getting things done that would create momentum. I was scared of my own success, of becoming overwhelmed, and of being judged or rejected. Fon helped me to identify the limiting beliefs that were hiding behind these blocks and see how they weren't serving me. We also worked on shifting these beliefs into ones that support bold action. Now I'm excited to serve the clients who need me! After working with Fon, I feel much lighter, freer and more inspired. I am ready to share my gifts with the world and be rewarded for it. Fon herself has a special and unique presence. Coaching with her felt like a conversation with a wise friend. She stood for my greatness where I had doubts. Thank you,Fon!

Stephanie S.

I've been a meditator for quite some time, but I haven't been able to feel an effect like I did when practicing with Fon. The way she guided the sessions really led me to a deep relaxation. After each session, I would immediately feel lighter in my entire body, and I’d experience the feeling of waking up from a good night's sleep throughout the entire day. I’ve been meditating with Fon in both a group setting & a private one on one, and the experiences were amazing.  The most fantastic setting was the one on one experience where I felt as if I was levitating! The best part is I could to feel the effect of that session for at least week or so! 

Eliene S.

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Let's talk Return on Investment

Is your organization experiencing high stress, 

absenteeism, low productivity? If not, prevention is always BETTER than cure and produces a greater ROI.

Consider me as your guide. Take the next step.
Book a "free consultation" to get your a "Reset" today.

You can change your outcomes with just a click! 

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I can't wait to hear all about you!

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