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  • fonchurat

How To Handel Situation With Family

Updated: May 8

When my mother was diagnosed with cancer, my world was turned upside down. The fear, uncertainty, and emotional turmoil threatened to overwhelm me at every turn. In the midst of this chaos, I turned to meditation as a lifeline – a source of solace, strength, and guidance that would help me navigate the challenging road ahead.

Discovering Meditation:

Before my mother's diagnosis, meditation was something I dabbled in occasionally, never fully embracing its potential power. However, faced with the harsh reality of cancer, I found myself drawn to the practice in a way I had never experienced before. It was as if meditation was calling out to me, offering a path to inner peace and resilience in the face of adversity.

Coping with Uncertainty:

As my mother's treatment plan unfolded, so too did my meditation practice. Each day, I would carve out time to sit in stillness, allowing myself to simply be with whatever thoughts and emotions arose. In those moments of quiet reflection, I found a sense of clarity and perspective that helped me to navigate the uncertainty of my mother's prognosis with greater ease.

Finding Strength in Presence:

One of the most powerful lessons meditation taught me was the importance of presence – of fully embracing each moment as it came, without resistance or judgment. In the midst of my mother's cancer journey, this lesson became my guiding light, allowing me to show up for her with love, compassion, and unwavering support.

Transforming Fear into Love:

While cancer brought its fair share of fear and anxiety into our lives, meditation taught me that love is always stronger. Through the practice of loving-kindness meditation, I was able to cultivate a deep sense of compassion not only for my mother but also for myself and all those affected by cancer. This shift from fear to love transformed our experience, infusing even the darkest moments with light and hope.

Celebrating Each Moment:

In the face of illness, it's easy to get caught up in worries about the future or regrets about the past. However, meditation reminded me to cherish the present moment – to find joy in the simple pleasures of life, even amidst the pain and uncertainty. Whether it was sharing a laugh with my mother, basking in the warmth of a sunny day, or finding peace in the quiet of the night, meditation helped me to savor each precious moment we had together.


As I look back on my mother's cancer journey, I am filled with gratitude for the profound role that meditation played in guiding me through the storm. It was a constant source of support and strength, helping me to find peace amidst the chaos and love amidst the fear. While my mother may no longer be with me, the lessons I learned from her journey – and from the practice of meditation – will continue to guide me on my own path, offering solace, wisdom, and hope in times of need

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